First, God's ultimate promise for you is that you might be conformed into the image of His Son. His usual method for this is “heavenly pressure” to produce a family likeness. Some trials will show immediate results in our lives: others are more long-term. Examples can include dealing with irritating people, difficult circumstances, emotional lows, or even tragedy like the loss of a loved one. But even the long-term trials are temporary. “For our present troubles are quite small and won't last very long. Yet they produce for us an immeasurable great glory that will last forever (2 Corinthians 4:17). Are you in such a situation right now? Are you backed up against an all with no way to look but up? Cheer up! God is still in the miracle business and might be testing you right now.
Second, God allows trials so that you will become strong spiritually. Trials and testing produce necessary qualities in our lives. Remember what James said, “when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow”. “Endurance is also translating patience, steadfastness, fortitude, and perseverance. James is talking about “staying power and toughness”. God wants iron to enter your soul. Why? For when your endurance is fully developed, you will be strong in character and ready for anything (James 1:4). God has selected you for choice work. But before He can use you, He must toughen the grain of your life. He does this by allowing you to go through problems and difficulties so that your faith can be tested and purified and so that you have staying power. God wants to toughen you up and help you mature spiritually.
Third, God promises to be with you as you go through the problem. God is with you and in control of even the most desperate of circumstances. Sometimes He just lets you reach the point of desperation so that you can recognize that He is your only hope. As a child of God, you have the promise that God's presence is with you in the midst of the storm. He will not leave you stranded in the middle of your problem. Although He does not promise smooth sailing, He promises a safe passage.
Fourth, God can give you peace and hope even in the middle of the most difficult problems. God knows when you are facing difficulty, and He knows how afraid, worried, or upset you are. No matter how difficult the trial, you know that you can trust in God. Jesus promised his disciples “I am leaving you a gift, peace of mind and heart. And the peace I give is like the peace the world gives so do not be troubled or afraid. (John 14:27)
Fifth, God will help you be able to comfort others. Your experience of suffering will deepen your compassion for and ability to help others who suffer. “You can be sure that the more we suffer for Christ, the more God will shower you with his comfort through Christ (2 Corinthians 1:4-5). You will be able to be a great comfort to others because you have been comforted by God through your trial.
Seeking Guidance
Your obedience to what God has already revealed in his word guarantees that He will give guidance in matters that are not so clear. To know God's will, you must be a believer. God does not clearly show his will to those who are not in a personal relationship with him. Second, to know God's will you need to be filled with the Holy Spirit. Ephesians 5:17 says, "Therefore, do not be foolish, but I understand with the Lord's will as it is the will of God that every believer constantly is filled with the Holy Spirit. Third, God's will is that His people live pure lives. It is God's will that you should be sanctified. To be sanctified means to be made holy and dedicated to God. This calls for single people to remain sexually pure until marriage and for married people to be faithful to their spouse. There are no exceptions to this rule of scripture. If you are seeking God’s guidance about sex before marriage or whether to love your spouse, than look at Scripture.
Fourth, God's will is that people have an attitude of gratitude no matter what happens. Always be thankful you who belong to Christ Jesus.
First Thessalonians 5:18
God is in control of all circumstances that surround your life. James writes if you need wisdom, ask Him and He will gladly tell you. He will not resent you asking, but when you ask Him to be sure that you really expect Him to answer.
For a doubtful mind is as unsettled as a wave of the sea that is driven and tossed by the wind.
(James 1:5-7.) Ask God for wisdom. He may not be able to give you every detail, but you can trust that He will give enough guidance to bring you along the right path to His planned destination. Romans 12:1-2. The Bible says we do not conform to this world but be transformed by the renewing of our mind that we may prove what is the good and acceptable and the perfect will of God. Notice the order in these verses. You must first be a living sacrifice, then you will discover the good and acceptable and perfect will of God. But in essence, God says give me your life and I will show you my will. God wants the heartfelt gift of your time and resources not out of duty but out of love. We can hang around as a believer who does not want to give everything totally to God. You can hold back but in so doing, miss out on all the benefits of complete surrender to Jesus Christ including discovering His perfect will for your life. If you want to do all that God has in mind for you to do, you need to surrender completely to Him. Not conforming to this world means not loving the world system that is spiritually bankrupt and hostile to God. As you desire to know God's will, much of this world's thinking will try to hide a reason. When your mind has been transformed by God, He will then show you His will for you. When you do this, you are being transformed into the image of Jesus and you will find God’s purpose for you as believers. Our goal is to become like Christ and without the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we too could set aside everything that would hinder us from making that goal. Trust and see that the Lord is good. Oh, the joys of those who trust him (Psalms 34:8). You can follow the general principles of God’s word. He will never guide you in a manner that is contrary to His written word, the Bible is your bedrock and absolute. The way you will know what is right or wrong is by looking to see what scripture says as well. God sees the past, present and future. You may not know what the future holds but you know who holds the future and that is all you really need to know.
Restored by Christ
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