How does being saved make you different before coming to Christ? You were separated from God and on your way to a certain judgment in a very real place called hell. But God reached out to you and quite literally saved you.
Not only has Christ saved you from a future judgment, but He is also offering you abundant life. Everything you need in life is found in a relationship with God.
Do you doubt your salvation? Often new believers and sometimes older ones too doubt that salvation has really come to them. The devil whispers “Do you really think God would save someone like you”? Since you have trusted Jesus you must realize that your salvation is not based on how you feel but rather on what God has said. The following verses will assure you of your salvation.
God wants to give you a complete and abundant life, but like the light and darkness, God and sin will not coexist. You cannot continue in your old sinful ways and be pleasing to God. Your sin nature still exists, and you will sin at times, but your desires and attitudes need to change. Those who become Christians become new people. They are not the same anymore, for the old life is gone and a new life has begun (2 Corinthians 5:17). Works don't save anyone, but they are a good indication that you are saved.
The following are six indicators that you are living your life as a Christian.
All of this comes from the book of John. Use these as a checklist to see how you are doing.
How can my life changed for the better? Analysts who have studied the data say that the spirituality of many Americans might be only skin deep. Where their faith gets tested, they quickly disappear. So, what is true faith? The bible says:
James is not saying that faith cannot save anyone for we must have faith to be saved. If a person's faith does not produce any change in his or her life, then it is not faith at all. Such faith is dead, unproductive, and shows no evidence of existence. Can that kind of faith save anyone? The answer is no. Any declaration of faith that does not result in a changed life and good works is a false declaration. After you receive God’s forgiveness through faith, that same faith should find expression in your life by how you live and behave. God has a special work for you to do, a purpose to fulfill, a task to accomplish. Jesus said “Let your good deeds shine out for all to see so that everyone will praise Your Heavenly Father (Matthew 5:16). You should do good works because of what Christ has done for you and what the Holy Spirit is doing in you. Remember that “God is working in you, giving you the desire to obey Him and the power to do what pleases Him” (Philippians 2:13). The calling of God is the enabling of God. He will help you to be the person he wants you to be the person He called you to be.
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